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Sarah Rose Dog Training is dedicated to helping dogs live their best lives by providing effective and compassionate training methods. With years of experience, I have transformed the lives of countless dogs and their owners, helping them to build stronger bonds and overcome behavioural challenges. From puppies to senior dogs, my training techniques are tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual dog. Don't just take my word for it, read the success stories below and see for yourself the positive impact Sarah Rose Dog Training has had on the lives of dogs and their owners.

"This time last year I’d never owned a puppy and hadn’t even lived in a house with a dog since I was child (so 30+ years), needless to say it’s been a steep learning curve. I remember distinctly back to Sarah’s puppy training classes when she would refer to the Heel Work to Music classes and inwardly snorting to myself that I’d ever be signing up for anything like that when I’d set myself the dizzying target of being able to get my dog to walk on a lead somewhere in the vicinity of me, maybe occasionally respond to me and not make us look completely feral down the park! I’m not going to be one of those smug owners that’s going to pretend I’ve got it all sussed but after Sarah worked her magic we now have a dog with much better impulse control, walking him is a pleasure and I know that any slip ups are a result of us not following through with what we (not our hound!) has been taught.  Anyway, the unthinkable quickly became possible and my yappy cockapoo, Rufus, was ready to dance! (We call them doggy dance classes in our house but don’t tell Sarah she might not like it lol!)" 

"Having easily spent double the amount on ‘boredom busting’ toys in one shopping visit that I’ve spent in total on HWTM classes only for him to work them out and discard them in 10 minutes I can honestly say the classes are the best time and money investment I’ve made since having him. The tricks, tips and strategies we learn in an hour I use with Rufus every single day and he absolutely loves it.  We can walk him for hours and he bounds back in to the house as energetic as he was when we started whilst I’m wheezing and crawling for the gin cupboard! The mental energy he expends thinking about what I’m asking him to do genuinely wears him out and combined with his walks means he’s a much happier dog - no destructive behaviour, no chewing and I’m saving a fortune in the toilet rolls he was shredding! Other than rewards and a £2.50 hoop which I’ve bought from Asda (which you don’t need to buy!) I haven’t spent any money on any ‘props’, everything you need can be found at home so no spending a fortune on plastic tat that doesn’t even keep them engaged."

"One of my biggest fears was would I have the naughtiest dog in class? I joined the group later than everybody else and worried that all the other dogs would be ‘perfect’, would listen better, would respond better.  What if my dog barked? What if my dog ignored me? I was acutely aware that my dog couldn’t lie down, couldn’t roll over, couldn’t do what others might consider basic commands.  There’s no need to worry, this isn’t a replay of the school disco - no cliques! Everybody is incredibly friendly and it doesn’t matter what your dog can’t do, Sarah is so patient, she breaks everything down, it’s demo’d with your dog, not on a dog that can already do it and it’s practised regularly and revisited. There was never a class when we didn’t leave with a sense of achievement and something new to show everybody at home. Family and friends have been so impressed with everything he can now do." 

"From a family point of view it’s been amazing, although it’s only an hour once a week it’s made a big difference to how Rufus is seen by us all, we’d originally bought Rufus for my son but he’d bonded mainly with myself.   I honestly cannot thank Sarah enough because as fabulous as her understanding is of dogs she is just as faultless at understanding how to motivate and support owners, she encouraged my husband and I to bring my son to sessions and she guided my son to take the lead in sessions and take ownership of his dog, the bond that’s developed between them now is amazing." 

"I rarely write reviews / give testimonials and when I do I always try to be as fair as possible so I’m trying to be as balanced as possible but I honestly can’t find any negatives or any drawbacks! I hate going anywhere where it’s difficult to get to or I can’t park but it’s only 2 villages away, Rufus loves the car ride and there’s always parking available and if I’m early it’s a beautiful place for a walk. In terms of value for money it’s great, I’ve learned things I’ll use with Rufus every day for the rest of his life and it’s no comparison to the useless App I tried and having a trainer work with your dog can never be substituted with watching a video of a dog that you know has been doing that trick for years!" 

"As well trained as Rufus is, he’s still a dog that well and truly knows his own mind! Raining? He’s not going for a walk! The sea? He is absolutely not going in it! Worming tablet? He’s keeping it in his mouth and spitting it out 20 minutes later.  So conclusive proof for me is his reaction every time we pull up and he sees the building, impulse control temporarily out the window! He whimpers, whines, tail batters the back of the car seat, fighting to get out the car and pulling towards the door, straining to get down the corridor, have to get to doggy dance class, more importantly need to go and see my favourite person, she’s waiting for me behind those doors with music, need to get to sausage lady! (That’s what he thinks she’s called but don’t tell Sarah she might not like it lol!)" 

Our Services


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  • Learning good social skills

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  • Different activities to develop confidence

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You will need your own board & life vest for your dog
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